Friday, January 25, 2013

Do you love Brandi Carlile as much as I do? Soundtrack of My Life - Week 3

Brandi Carlile has to be one of my favorite artists right now. Check week #3 video out for Soundtrack of My Life and subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive a new cover of an old favorite every Friday!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Soundtrack of My Life Video #2 is LIVE

Exciting news! Video #2 for Soundtrack of My Life is live.

This was a fun song to do because the way you hear it on the radio makes it sound like it's an uptempo, happy, romantic song. When I started studying the song, I realized the song wasn't what  I thought it was about at all. So, to highlight the lyrics, I stripped it down. Let me know what you think. Hope you love it as much as I do. Please feel free to share, like and comment. I appreciate the support! And don't forget to get on my mailing list at so you can keep up with my creative journey.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pearson Perry Launches Passion Project Entitled “Soundtrack of My Life”

Atlanta, GA - Claire “Pearson” Perry,  founder of Atlanta Intown Songwriters,  launches her passion project “Soundtrack of My Life” on YouTube Saturday, January 5, 2013. The project is a twist on how current indie artists build their fan base by covering today’s  hit songs and being discovered by YouTube searches - a la Bieber style.

Instead of covering current hits, each week she will invite music lovers into her world by performing a cover song with special meaning to her. Each song has a story that accompanies it, allowing viewers to not only enjoy an old favorite, but also connect with Perry in a more intimate way.

Intimacy is something that Perry excels at. Her vocal style and rustic guitar playing are highly emotive. She strives for authenticity in her performances over technical perfection, and as a result, she exposes a raw vulnerability that is magnetic. “I love a well-produced song. But I also enjoy the honesty of a performance before it is cleaned up. I like things a little messy,” says Perry. In fact, she has taken a real risk with this project by almost guaranteeing imperfection. Each song is filmed live, with two cameras rolling. Many songs were filmed with one take.

Most artists would have chosen to record the tracks and then lip-synch to ensure control of the product and Perry considered that option. “For me, there’s a thrill in the risk of live music and this was as close as I could come to giving viewers “live” music. I’m okay with taking that risk and I think fans of indie artists will appreciate it.”

Perry says that until now she wasn’t sure how to effectively use YouTube. “I tried to promote original music but covers appeal to YouTube viewers more. I have never performed covers so it didn’t seem like a viable format for me. This project has really captured my attention because I can be authentic and use technology in a way that can attract new fans. And I’m learning songs I love to sing.”

Subscribers of her YouTube channel will receive automatic updates when a new video is released. Go to to subscribe. You can learn more about Pearson Perry at and “like” her Facebook Pearson Perry fan page.

This project was made possible by the fabulous guys at Down Fenix Media, LLC. If you would like to find out how they can help you on your next filming project check out their website Big hugs and thank yous to: Matthew Mandarano, Cinematographer, Jon Fredette, Sound Designer and Patrick Griffin, Producer.